Why Are Anime So Short
Osama Bin Laden Hard Drive Anime, Weird Things Navy SEALs Discovered in Osama bin Laden's Compound, 9.57 MB, 06:58, 1,469,697, The Infographics Show, 2021-07-14T01:15:01.000000Z, 19, Osama Bin Laden's Hard Drive Contains Tons of Anime and Video Games, comicbook.com, 640 x 320, jpeg, bin osama laden drive hard anime, 20, osama-bin-laden-hard-drive-anime, Anime Arts
I think it related to budget availability, the number of people watching or the animation studio decision to make it short (web series? Like some 8 and 15 minutes jp anime web shorts). I guess its related to money and distribution media. Yukkuri oniisan, mar 8, 2016 #6 yukkuri oniisan 『procrastinator archwizard translator and writer』 joined:
This lack of size will be a result of their advanced age and not because they were small all their life. Viewers have also been developing short attention spans throughout the years since anime shows segmented themselves in short tv program blocks during the early 70s. Shorter seasons bring pacing problems of their own. There's too much crammed into too few episodes, and important stuff is left out often. Even with good adaptations like youjo senki, each episode was paced much faster than ideal, like they had. First and foremost, anime is a commercial product, so series that make money get lots of episodes, and series that don’t turn a profit are usually quickly laid to rest. Series that aren’t expected to have a broad appeal, and shows adapted from relatively short manga series may also tend to be shorter than average. The reason why shows are short is economics. The market is saturated by the fault of appealing and depending on too narrow an audience, and they can only maximize their profits by inundating them with new series.
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Why are Shounen anime characters so short? - Quora
Why are Shounen anime characters so short? - Quora
Why are Shounen anime characters so short? - Quora
Why is Levi so short- Attack on titan theory | Anime Amino

Why are Shounen anime characters so short? - Quora
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Why is Levi so short- Attack on titan theory | Anime Amino

SHELTER why it's such a great short anime – MyAnime2go